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Environmental Monitoring Performance


Weston Aluminum operates one of the most environmentally friendly and advanced aluminium dross plants in the world, with a number of unique controls and extensive emissions monitoring. Weston Aluminum is committed to operating in accordance with our Environmental Policy, a copy of which can be found here.

Our premises-based Environmental Protection Licence (6423) is available from the EPA website here.

Our transporter-based Environmental Protection Licence (21838) is available from the EPA website here.



An 'In House' designed gaseous fluoride scrubber with efficiency above 99.6% allows Weston Aluminum to achieve the lowest gaseous fluoride emissions of any secondary aluminium plant in the world of less than 1.4 mg/m3 as an hourly average. Additionally, an extensive network of dust and fume extraction ducting and filter bag houses, using the latest environmental technologies, allows Weston Aluminum to achieve very low emission levels and comply with our Environmental Protection Licence (Lic. No: 6423).

Weston Aluminum has carried out significant noise attenuation projects resulting in a significant reduction in the overall level of noise being generated at the plant.

Weston Aluminum operates a first flush stormwater management system, designed to capture, contain and treat first flush waters. These waters are reused onsite for irrigation of landscaped areas via a reticulation network.



A map of the various monitoring locations, in accordance with EPL #6423 can be found here.

Our monitoring systems include the following:



Weston Aluminum carries out a comprehensive environmental monitoring program for all points of emission. Our monitoring is undertaken by an independent NATA accredited environmental consultant. Emissions are monitored in accordance with our EPL conditions and frequency requirements. A copy of our Air Quality Monitoring Program can be found here. Emissions monitored include oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, hydrogen chloride, particulates, sulphuric acid mist, carbon monoxide, gaseous and particulate fluoride, heavy metals, VOCs, PAHs, dioxins and furans. Six monthly and annual testing data can be found in the "Documents and Downloads" page.


Gaseous Fluoride

The rotary furnace stack is continuously monitored using laser-based instrumentation which records gaseous fluoride levels on a continuous basis, averaging hourly and storing the information. Weston Aluminum is one of the only secondary aluminium plants in the world continuously monitoring gaseous fluoride. Monthly compilations of the gaseous fluoride emissions data can be found in the "Documents and Downloads" page. 




Noise monitoring is carried out tri-annually in accordance with EPL #6423 and results are provided in the "Documents and Downloads" page.



Annual testing of the first flush and stormwater dams is carried out to ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines. Stormwater testing results can be found in the "Documents and Downloads" page.



Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)

In accordance with Part 5.7A of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act), Weston Aluminum has developed a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan. In the unlikely event of a pollution incident on site which causes or threatens to cause material harm to the environment, this plan will be enacted to ensure the safety of personnel on site, the local environment and community and that the relevant authorities are notified. An online copy of the plan for the Weston Aluminium facility can be found here. 

A separate Pollution Incident Response Management Plan has also been developed for the transport of trackable waste. An online copy of the plan can be found here.


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